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Showing posts from October, 2021

What should you know when dealing with controlled substance drugs?

There may be several doubts on controlled substance regulations, license registration that practitioners and those dealing with controlled substances directly may have about the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). We will help you understand DEA controlled substance license and registration procedures better. Physicians writing DEA prescriptions for controlled substances must hold controlled substances license registration. The practitioner will be given a DEA registration number, which acts as identification of the DEA practitioner and each prescription must carry the controlled substance license registration number given by the DEA.   How should you register to the DEA? The applicant’s compliance with the state license and regulations determines their eligibility for their registration with the DEA. Apart from the DEA license, some states require a separate state-issued controlled substance regulation license along with your medical license Those who need a DEA controlled su...

What does DEA expect from electronic prescriptions?

What must you know about electronic prescriptions. Outlining the rules of submitting the electronic prescriptions from providers holding DEA controlled substance licenses, and the role of the partitioners and all authorized agents involved in communicating controlled substance prescriptions to pharmacies have been discussed in this blog. Physicians prescribing controlled substance drugs also need to verify the prescriptions to ensure that drug diversion is not taking place. They must follow the set DEA controlled substance regulations . The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, mandates DEA to control manufacturing, distributing and dispensing controlled substances. To ensure that the controlled substances are being monitored at the point of sale, the regulated communications of prescriptions from DEA controlled substance regulations provides to pharmacies ensures this safety.   Prescribers cannot delegate the medical determination of the need for controlled ...