The DEA has a specific procedure for applying for registration and obtaining a DEA license and number. This also has to be renewed at regular intervals. We delve into the details of the requisite procedures.
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is charged with the responsibility of regulating all aspects of handling the controlled substances. Accordingly, any physician, dentist, veterinarian, scientific investigator, pharmacy, hospital or other person who will distribute, dispense, administer, conduct research, or use in teaching or chemical analysis any controlled substance has to first register with the DEA. In other words, any person or entity that handles controlled substances must be registered with the DEA.
Following are the steps for obtaining a regular or veterinary DEA license:
- Download the requisite DEA Form 224 or 225 from From May 11th, 2022, the DEA requires all applications for registration and renewal to be submitted electronically online.
- The first section requires the full name, address, social security number and phone number. Businesses have to provide the name of the business, address, tax ID and phone number.
- Next is the activity and schedule section. While normally Schedules III, IV and V are selected, those requiring Schedule II drugs will be called on to specify the designated drugs in a following section.
- Under the state license section, it is mandatory to provide State medical and/or controlled substance licenses/registrations.
- Next up is the background section which has questions pertaining to controlled substances in the applicant's background. Those who have selected Schedule II also have to make the drug selection now.
- After this, the payment link for paying the application fees will come up.
- The confirmation section provides a summary of the information which can be reviewed and corrected, if needed, before electronically submitting the application. The applicant will see a submission confirmation and can print copies for the records.
The DEA will review all the information and issue a DEA license if it deems fit. The license also has to be renewed at periodic intervals as specified by the DEA by using the DEA form 224a or 225a. From June 2020, the DEA has discontinued sending of renewal notifications by post. It only sends electronic reminders on the registered email address 60, 45, 30, 15, and 5 days prior to the expiration date of the registration.
If the renewal application is submitted in a timely manner prior to expiry, the registrant may continue operations as authorized by the registration, beyond the expiration date until final action is taken on the application.
The DEA allows the reinstatement of an expired registration for one calendar month after the expiration date. If not renewed within that calendar month, the registrant will have to apply for a new DEA registration.
Regardless of the above, federal law prohibits handling of controlled substances or List 1 chemicals under an expired registration.
The Titan Group ( can be your partner and guide in not just obtaining the DEA license veterinary, but also staying in compliance with all the regulations and other formalities regarding the same.

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